Forest for the Trees: Collective Accountability and Trust as Groundwork for Systems Change
In this Foundation Review article, Shaady Salehi and Pia Infante unpack the meaning of accountability in a trust-based philanthropy context: relational accountability—through reciprocity and trust in the funder-grantee relationship—as well as collective accountability to the communities being served.

Trust in Action: The Bridge Between Grantmakers and the Grassroots
This guide highlights the challenges faced by community-based organizations and their priorities for change in philanthropy and global development. It examines how funders can strengthen trust, flexibility, and partnership in funding to nourish community-led change.

The Impact of Trust-Based Philanthropy
This guide gives an overview of the impact made possible when shifting to a trust-based approach, including impact on nonprofits, funders, communities, and the social sector. Trust-based funders are consistently seeing various opportunities for reflection, assessment, and positive outcomes–painting a bigger-picture of the positive impact on organizations and the social sector ecosphere.

The Future is Trust-Based
Chantias Ford, Director of Programs and Strategic Learning at the Trust-Based Philanthropy Project, joins Monique Curry-Mims & Valerie Johnson on the Beyond Philanthropy Podcast to discuss the framework of Trust-Based Philanthropy, its critics, trust washing, and the future of trust in philanthropy.

Misperceptions About Trust-Based Philanthropy DEBUNKED
This guide outlines five common myths and misperceptions that come up in discussions about trust-based principles, and offers clear counterpoints in response.

Trust-Based Philanthropy Explained (for Giving Circles)
This guide provides a comprehensive breakdown of trust-based philanthropy as it applies specifically to giving circles. Included in the guide, you can find a list of frequently asked questions, outlines of concrete steps you can take, and a list of additional resources

Reimagining the Program Officer Role
This two-page guide, invites you to reimagine the program officer role in a radically different way - away from conventional norms of compliance and oversight, and towards trust-based norms of partnership, collaboration, and service.

TBP Glossary of Terms & Phrases
Look through this guide to find a compilation of the most commonly used terms and phrases used in the context of trust-based philanthropy and their definitions.

What is trust-based philanthropy?
New to trust-based philanthropy? This 3-minute video walks you through the core of the trust-based philanthropy approach.

The Intersection of Trust-Based Philanthropy & Racial Equity
This one-pager provides a simple venn diagram of the similarities and differences between trust-based philanthropy and racial equity.

Series: Trust-Based Philanthropy for Community Foundations
This two-part series, a partnership between the Trust-Based Philanthropy Project, Philanthropy Northwest, and the Iowa Council of Foundations, is designed for community foundations that are actively working to embrace trust-based philanthropy. This series explores how trust-based philanthropy plays out in the unique context of community foundations working at the intersection of grantmaking, fund development, donor relations, and community leadership

Support Beyond the Check
This one-pager outlines concrete steps funders can take today in their organization’s culture, structure, and leadership to support their grant partners beyond the check

6 Trust-Based Practices at-a-Glance
This guide provides a 2-page overview of the trust-based philanthropy approach, including the six practices of trust-based grantmaking.

Trust-Based Philanthropy vs. Conventional Grantmaking
While two institutions may share the same mission, how they carry it out can vary widely. Trust-based philanthropy flips the script on conventional philanthropy by promoting a culture of sharing power, centering relationships, and fostering mutual accountability. While the two approaches are not always diametrically opposed, this overview highlights some key areas of distinction wherein trust-based philanthropy reimagines conventional norms.

Grantmaking Operations with a Trust-Based Lens
This guide draws on the experiences of funders who have applied a trust-based lens to their grantmaking operations to identify the key ways that grantmaking practitioners can operationalize their grantmaking processes in ways that center the needs of their grant partners.

Series: The Fundamentals of Trust-Based Philanthropy
This two-part series dives into the six practices of trust-based philanthropy and the culture, structures, and leadership necessary for funders to bridge the values-to-practice gap and embody a trust-based approach.

Roadmap to Trust-Based Transformation
This one-pager provides a snapshot of some of the key milestones for trust-based transformation and how they connect to your organizational culture, structures, leadership, and practices.

Trust-Based Philanthropy & Its Misconceptions
As a guest on the Do Your Good podcast, Shaady Salehi breaks down trust-based philanthropy’s grounding in relational approaches to grantmaking, including orientations to learning and evaluation that mitigate power dynamics and account for complex ecosystems of change.

Strategic Focal Points for Trust-Based Boards
This guide outlines the four, non-mutually exclusive focal points—learning, strategy, grantmaking, and imagination—in which foundation boards can direct their time and attention when stewarding trust-based organizations.

An Era of Power Reckoning: Trust-Based Philanthropy and the Implications for Documentary Film Funding
How does trust-based philanthropy apply to film and arts funding? In this webinar, featuring the latest research on the state of film funding, three funders share how they are implementing trust-based practices and what they're learning along the way.