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Chesapeake Bay Program: Putting Trust Into Practice: Trust-based Grantmaking Part 2

This session is hosted by the Chesapeake Bay Program. Registration is required.

The Chesapeake Bay Program (CBP) Diversity Workgroup is focused on efforts to improve diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice (DEIJ) in their grant programs and under– resourced organizations that are seeking funding.

This two part workshop series aims to improve awareness about equitable funding challenges, best practices, experiences of under-resourced communities, and strategies for funders to measure their progress in improving equity in grantmaking. Workshops One and Two will be focused on building competency for trust based grantmaking through panelist case studies, interactive exercises on community engagement and asset mapping, and reflections on opportunities to shift practices.

Workshop Two will build off of Workshop One and will support funders to dive deeper into an exploration of what can be changed in their practices to get closer to trust based philanthropy. Funders will have the opportunity to share their priorities and hear from other funders who are shifting practices.


Chantias Ford, Trust-Based Philanthropy Project

March 2

GivingData: Trust-Based Philanthropy: A Conversation with Shaady Salehi

March 16

Trust-Based Philanthropy at the United Way Great Rivers Conference