This webinar is hosted by Candid and Catchafire. This event is free and open to all, but registration is required.
The circle of trust and transparency touches all aspects of philanthropy; nonprofits, donors, foundations, community leaders and most importantly the recipient. Join us for an honest conversation about how Catchafire and Candid build trust-based partnerships across the social good sector. You’ll also learn how North Texas Cares COVID-19 response developed into a long-lasting collaboration and reallocation among local funders. You’ll leave with insightful stories to help you evaluate where you can rebalance trust in the communities you serve and partners you seek to make.
Define trust and transparency in a philanthropy and community building context, as well as apply this knowledge to identify opportunities to strengthen current work.
Recognize and develop plans to obtain desired level of Candid Seals of Transparency.
Learn about Catchafire’s tools designed to help organizations build scale and trust.
Danny Alberttis, Regional Managing Director, Catchafire
Guenevere Crum, Senior Partnership Advisor, Catchafire
Eva Nico, Senior Director, Programs, Candid
Mathew Randazzo, President & CEO, Dallas Foundation
Shaady Salehi, Executive Director, Trust-Based Philanthropy Project