Trust-Based Blog
Reimagining philanthropy begins with learning out loud.
By sharing ideas, with curiosity and humility, the Trust-Based Philanthropy Project blog features trust-based grantmakers who talk about their own lessons, questions, and aha-moments along their power-sharing journeys.

True Philanthropy is More Than Money Delivered Fast
In this post, Brenda Solorzano, CEO of the Headwaters Foundation, gives context and analysis to Jeff Bezos’ fast-moving, red-tape cutting philanthropy. One thing that’s missing: a commitment to power sharing and collaboration. Without those, Bezos runs the risk of being as challenging as the traditional philanthropic models he’s attempting to combat.

Exploring the Principles: Give Multiyear, Unrestricted Funding
Lisa Cowan, Vice President of the Robert Sterling Clark Foundation, has a reminder for funders (including herself): “As funders, we must recognize that we are not experts at running the organizations we fund… When i give a grant, I gratefully part with the foundations’ dollars, to make sure that those funds go to someone who knows more than I do.”

What Satterberg Is Learning After Shifting To Multi-Year Unrestricted Grants
Several years ago, The Satterberg Foundation’s leadership decided to transform its grantmaking processes in an effort to build greater transparency and better alignment with their core values, including a shift to multi-year, unrestricted grants. Hear more from Executive Director, Sarah Walczyk.