Simplify & Streamline Paperwork
Nonprofits spend an inordinate amount of time on reports and applications. A more relational approach saves time and helps funders gain a deeper understanding of the work.
Steps You Can Take
Accept proposals and reports written for other funders
Before inviting a full proposal, use a screening process (such as a short LOI) that can help determine whether funding is likely
Consider taking a conversational approach to learning about grantees’ work, via phone calls, video-calls, or in-person meetings
The Difference It Will Make
Less time spent on paperwork, and more time for genuine learning and conversation with grantees
Allows for deeper, more interactive relationships with grantees
When funders ask grantees only for information they need and can’t get elsewhere, it frees nonprofit staff time up to focus on their work
What It Looks Like
"Some people talk about [streamlined paperwork] as taking the burden off the grantees. But it’s not just that. If grantees have the money, the time, and the space for reflection—and they’re not spending an inordinate amount of time writing proposals—they actually have more breathing room to focus on achieving their missions."
- Nat Williams, Hill-Snowdon Foundation
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