Trust-Based Philanthropy vs. Conventional Grantmaking
Guides & How-To's, Overview, Structure, Culture, Practices, Leadership, 101 Trust-Based Philanthropy Project Guides & How-To's, Overview, Structure, Culture, Practices, Leadership, 101 Trust-Based Philanthropy Project

Trust-Based Philanthropy vs. Conventional Grantmaking

While two institutions may share the same mission, how they carry it out can vary widely. Trust-based philanthropy flips the script on conventional philanthropy by promoting a culture of sharing power, centering relationships, and fostering mutual accountability. While the two approaches are not always diametrically opposed, this overview highlights some key areas of distinction wherein trust-based philanthropy reimagines conventional norms.

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Participatory Grantmaking and Trust-Based Philanthropy

Participatory Grantmaking and Trust-Based Philanthropy

This webinar explores what it takes to build trust within a participatory framework, and how to bolster the strengths of trust-based philanthropy and participatory grantmaking—while also mitigating their tensions and challenges.

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