Sample Collection: Welcome Letters for New Grantee Partners

Thousand Currents’ Partnership Invitation Letter

TBP Resource Thousand Currents letter.png

This is the letter with which Thousand Currents invites organizations to become long-term grantee partners. The letter emphasizes mutual partnership and respect, as well as the prospective grantee partner’s agency, and also provides context on Thousand Currents' mission, culture, and operating culture.

In this sample welcome packet, The Charlize Theron Africa Outreach Project (CTAOP) models that building trusting, mutually beneficial relationships with grant partners often begins with setting clear expectations, practicing transparency, and affirming shared values. This welcome packet also serves as a tool for framing check-in conversations, further helping reinforce relationship and mutual accountability. 


Doing the Homework


Series: Trust-Based Philanthropy for Community Foundations