This webinar is free and open to all, but registration is required. Visit PEAK Grantmaking for more event details.
Join the Rocky Mountain and Northern California chapters of PEAK Grantmaking for a discussion about practical, real-life examples of how peer grants managers have implemented trust-based philanthropy practices in their organizations. Panelists will make connections between the principles of TBP and concrete changes. This will be followed by open and informal peer-sharing and time for questions. This session is intended for people who work at organizations that strive for TBP, people who are looking for ways to make small changes on their own, and everyone in between.
Brandi Howard, Chief of Staff and Interim Vice President of Programs, San Francisco Foundation
Daniel Oviedo, Grants Associate, Stupski Foundation
Malila Becton-Consuegra, Bay Area Postsecondary Success Program Officer, Stupski Foundation
Elaine Mui, Grants & Operations Manager, General Service Foundation
Patrick Taylor, Grants Manager, The Zellerbach Family Foundation (moderator)