Summer Learning Series: Unrestricted Funding, Streamlined Paperwork, & Doing the Homework
This is session #2 of a 3-part learning series hosted in partnership with Philanthropy Missouri, Grantmakers Council of Rhode Island, Grantmakers of Oregon and Southwest Washington, Grantmakers of Western Pennsylvania, New Mexico Association of Grantmakers, Connecticut Council for Philanthropy, and Philanthropy Colorado. For more information about this series, click here.
Too often, foundations get in the way of the work nonprofits doing the work they know best. This can slow down progress, perpetuate inefficiencies, and obstruct nonprofit growth and innovation. Trust-based philanthropy reimagines that dynamic, advocating for six principles of grantmaking that are geared toward building partnership and mutual learning.
In this deep dive session, we will explore the nuts and bolts of the first three trust-based principles: 1) multi-year, unrestricted funding as a strategy to build long-term relationships and support nonprofit self-determination; 2) doing the homework to expand our understanding of the organizations and issues we support; and 3) simplifying and streamlining applications and reports in service of relational approaches that build trust and mutual accountability. Since there is no one-size-fits-all approach to these principles, this session will spotlight three foundation’s stories of embracing these principles -- including the steps they have taken to embrace these practices, how they’re bringing the staff and board along, and what they are learning as a result.
This event is open to everyone. The format will include 60 minutes of discussion with trust-based funders, followed by a 30-minute small group peer networking session to explore opportunities to deepen your own practices.
NOTE: This session has already taken place, but you can view the recording below.