Trust-Based Blog
Reimagining philanthropy begins with learning out loud.
By sharing ideas, with curiosity and humility, the Trust-Based Philanthropy Project blog features trust-based grantmakers who talk about their own lessons, questions, and aha-moments along their power-sharing journeys.

Chipping Away at Trust-Based Org Change
“I want to tell my peers who resist trust-based shifts: the field is evolving, we need to stop talking about risk and start listening to what our nonprofit partners want and need. There’s sector change happening, and it’s both past-due and important work.” -Suzanne Geary

Ahead of the Grain in Puerto Rico
“If we genuinely listen to communities, there are no boundaries to what can be achieved.” -Alexandra Hertell

A Journey from Traditional Grantmaking to Trust-Based Philanthropy
“Before we hold grantees accountable, we must hold ourselves accountable as funders.” -Jill Miller

Let’s Talk About Trust ... And Racism
“We need to be conscious about where our trust (and distrust) are coming from, or we will distribute the benefits of this work inequitably.” -Liz Dozier

Trust-Based Philanthropy as a Movement Building Strategy
“Achieving our goal is not possible without the organizations on the ground, so we believe supporting their capacity is part of building the movement.” -Farrah Parkes

Our Sector Has an Imperative to Repair Harm
“Philanthropy’s imperative for transformation requires us to repair the harm we have caused as a sector.” -Gabriela Alcalde

Onboarding the Loyal Skeptic(s) on My Board
“As we became more public about trust-based philanthropy, our board raised critical questions that made me wonder if they were fully bought in.” -Pia Infante

The Power of Giving Up Power
“When I gave up some of my own personal power, we became a more powerful organization.” -John Esterle

In an Ecosystem of Trust, the Possibilities Are Endless
“Ecosystems of trust form a strong network that allow us to move nimbly and make impact happen when it’s needed.” -Philip Li