Trust-Based Blog
Reimagining philanthropy begins with learning out loud.
By sharing ideas, with curiosity and humility, the Trust-Based Philanthropy Project blog features trust-based grantmakers who talk about their own lessons, questions, and aha-moments along their power-sharing journeys.

Trust-Based Philanthropy is Grounded in Mutual Accountability and Learning
This post originally appeared on the bi3 blog. It has been reprinted here with permission.
There is a common misconception about trust-based philanthropy as extending “unconditional trust.” While the approach centers on building trusted relationships with grantees, this does not mean funders should abandon all expectations for mutual accountability and evaluation and learning. Quite the contrary, trust-based philanthropy is about building funder-grantee relationships grounded in power-sharing, transparency and mutual accountability to achieve the greatest impact.

What Sparks Change Toward Trust-Based Philanthropy?
Learning Coordinator Eddie Whitfield reflects on the stories of leaders in philanthropy who are embracing trust-based philanthropy and have shared their experiences on the Trust-Based Story Map. He lifts up the themes that have emerged on what inspires the adoption of trust-based values and practices and what we can learn from these trends.

Showing Up and Sharing Power
The leadership at the Durfee Foundation in Los Angeeles wanted to break down the traditional barriers between foundation trustees and nonprofit partners and deepen relationships through trust-based conversations. Learn more about how they did it and what they learned.